Parliament Business


An act refers to a formal written document that outlines laws, rules, or regulations established by a legislative body, such as a government or a parliament. Acts are typically binding and have the force of law within the jurisdiction for which they were enacted.


It is a formal proposal for new legislation or an amendment to existing legislation. It is a written document that outlines a proposed law, including its purpose, provisions, and potential effects. Bills are introduced in legislative bodies (such as parliaments or congresses) and go through a series of stages, including debates, committee reviews, and votes, before they can become law.


It's the name given to the official verbatim transcript of debates, discussions, and proceedings that take place in the legislative bodies of certain countries, particularly those that follow the Westminster parliamentary system. It provides a detailed record of what was said by members of parliament, senators, or other legislators during sessions of the legislative body.

Order Papers

A formal document that outlines the agenda and schedule of business for a particular sitting or session of a legislative body, such as a parliament or congress. It provides a detailed list of the items that will be discussed, debated, and addressed during that session. The Order Paper is typically prepared and distributed before each session to inform members of the legislative body and the public about the upcoming proceedings.